Thursday, December 22, 2005

Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: The Islamic Nation's Problem is That Muslims Do Not Work. The Zionist Gang Has Turned the Desert into an Oasis

The following are excerpts from a friday sermon on Qatar TV by Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi
Dr. Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: We use trains and planes, but they are not our trains or planes. The (Westerners) manufacture them and export them to us. True, we can buy the most magnificent things in the world products for our homes and for ourselves. Our people can buy the most luxurious cars, Rolls-Royce or Mercedes 500 or 700, models S, M, and L with all the luxuries. We own them, but we don't manufacture them. We don't even produce a single nail in any of these cars. Others do this for us.
The income of the entire Arab world, including the oil-producing countries, does not reach the that of a European country, such as Spain. Spain � let alone Germany, France, Britain, or Italy. Just Spain, which is at the bottom of the list of industrial countries... The income of the entire Arab world does not reach it. How come? Because we don't work, and if we do work, we don't do it professionally.
They conducted a survey of the average time that a government employee spends working in a certain Arab country. The average was 27 minutes a day. 27 minutes! The rest of the time he drinks coffee, reads newspapers, and goes on errands here and there. Only a small number of people work. The rest do not.
In the mid 1970s I went to Germany. We arrived during in the morning. I asked the guy who took me from the airport to the convention hall� As I was passing through the empty streets, I asked him how come the streets were not busy, like in our countries. He said: "People are at work." After 7 p.m. he took me back to the hotel, and the streets were empty. I said to him: "What's going on, the streets are empty again." He said: people are back home from work, and they are exhausted. All they want is to eat their dinner, watch the news, and then go to bed, because early next morning they have to wake up for hard work. They commute more than an hour to work and back, and spend an hour at lunch. They work non-stop.
We are a nation that doesn't work. How can we develop if we%2
Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: The Islamic Nation's Problem is That Muslims Do Not Work. The Zionist Gang Has Turned the Desert into an Oasis

The following are excerpts from a friday sermon on Qatar TV by Sheik Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi
Dr. Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: We use trains and planes, but they are not our trains or planes. The (Westerners) manufacture them and export them to us. True, we can buy the most magnificent things in the world products for our homes and for ourselves. Our people can buy the most luxurious cars, Rolls-Royce or Mercedes 500 or 700, models S, M, and L with all the luxuries. We own them, but we don't manufacture them. We don't even produce a single nail in any of these cars. Others do this for us.
The income of the entire Arab world, including the oil-producing countries, does not reach the that of a European country, such as Spain. Spain � let alone Germany, France, Britain, or Italy. Just Spain, which is at the bottom of the list of industrial countries... The income of the entire Arab world does not reach it. How come? Because we don't work, and if we do work, we don't do it professionally.
They conducted a survey of the average time that a government employee spends working in a certain Arab country. The average was 27 minutes a day. 27 minutes! The rest of the time he drinks coffee, reads newspapers, and goes on errands here and there. Only a small number of people work. The rest do not.
In the mid 1970s I went to Germany. We arrived during in the morning. I asked the guy who took me from the airport to the convention hall� As I was passing through the empty streets, I asked him how come the streets were not busy, like in our countries. He said: "People are at work." After 7 p.m. he took me back to the hotel, and the streets were empty. I said to him: "What's going on, the streets are empty again." He said: people are back home from work, and they are exhausted. All they want is to eat their dinner, watch the news, and then go to bed, because early next morning they have to wake up for hard work. They commute more than an hour to work and back, and spend an hour at lunch. They work non-stop.
We are a nation that doesn't work. How can we develop if we don't work? When we do work, we don't do it professionally. We keep saying "Don't worry, later, later�" Islam teaches us to do things professionally. Doing things professionally is a religious duty. The Prophet said that Allah ordered to excel in everyhting. He imposed excellence and professionalism. Professionalism must be followed in everything. "If you kill, do it properly, and if you slaughter, do it properly." Even when killing, you must do well.
Unfortunately, we do not excel in either military or civil industries. We import everything from needles to missiles. This is our nation. We still haven't manufactured an engine in our Arab countries. We assemble parts, but have no manufacturing industries. India has manufactured a car, and even a plane, while we still go around in circles like a bull in who turns a grinding mill or a water weal until it reaches exactly where it started.
How come the Zionist gang has managed to be superior to us, despite being so few? It has become superior through knowledge, through technology, and through strength. It ahs become superior to us through work. We had the desert before our eyes but we didn't do anything with it. When they took over, they turned it into a green oasis. How can a nation that does not work progress? How can it grow?

Monday, November 28, 2005

Report: Iraqis losing out on oil fortune

Tuesday 22 November 2005, 15:39 Makka Time, 12:39 GMT

An NGO report says oil majors are exploiting Iraq's instability

Up to $113 billion in Iraqi oil revenues are going to multinational oil companies under long-term contracts, and not to the Iraqi people, says a social and environmental group.

In a report, the group known as Platform said that oil multinationals would be paid between 74 billion pounds ($43 billion) and 194 billion pounds, with rates of return of between 42% and 162% under proposed production-sharing agreements, or PSAs.

"The form of contracts being promoted is the most expensive and undemocratic option available," said Platform researcher Greg Muttitt on Tuesday.

"Iraq's oil should be for the benefit of the Iraqi people, not foreign oil companies."

New and weak

Muttitt added: "Iraq's institutions are new and weak. Experience in other countries shows that oil companies generally get the upper hand in PSA negotiations with governments.

"The companies will inevitably use Iraq's current instability to push for highly advantageous terms and lock Iraq to those terms for decades."

The report, titled Crude Designs: The Rip-Off of Iraq's Oil Wealth, said the majority of Iraqis were against the large-scale involvement of foreign companies in the post-Saddam era.

"Iraqi public opinion is strongly opposed to handing control over oil development to foreign companies," it said.

"But with the active involvement of the US and British governments, a group of powerful Iraqi politicians and technocrats is pushing for a system of long-term contracts with foreign oil companies which will be beyond the reach of Iraqi courts, public scrutiny or democratic control."

Profits and plunder

Under PSAs, foreign companies provide capital investment, including drilling and the construction of infrastructure, and a proportion of oil extracted is allocated to the companies.

But Platform's report alleged that financing oil development could be done instead through government budgetary expenditure, using future oil flows as collateral to borrow money, or using international oil companies through shorter-term and less lucrative contracts.

Louise Richards, chief executive of aid charity War on Want, said: "People have increasingly come to realise that the Iraq war was about oil, profits and plunder."

"Iraq's oil profits, far from being used to alleviate some of the suffering the Iraqi people now face, are well within the sights of the oil multinationals."

Friday, June 17, 2005

Angguk-angguk geleng-geleng
Ahli Fikir

Angguk-angguk geleng-geleng tunduk tunduk
ikut tunjuk
Iya iya saya saya kiri kanan ikut saja
Kita tunduk pabila diketuk biarkan
terhantuk tak usah dipujuk
Relakan dipatuk ingat pesan atuk
Sabar sabar sabar sabar!

Tak apa tak kisah tak rugi tak mati tak
ambil peduli
Berserah dan pasrah biar dada
didabik adat pasang turun naik
Didera dijajah terus kita dipenjara
Jadi hamba jadi kuli jadi batu diam
Kita tunggu kita lihat kita nanti kita
Jangan merungut biar bertangguh diam
akur mesti patuh

Acuh tak acuh endah tak endah buat
lawak bodoh selamba
Biar kita melopong biar kita menganga
biar mereka buat apa mereka suka
Jangan melawan jangan membantah
janganlah degil kena ikut perintah
Kena banyak diam biar apa orang
kata kita tawa dalam duka
Kecut takut kalut kolot terkunci mulut
terkatup tertutup
Kalah sabung menang sorak senduk
nasi tinggal kerak

Dik mari dik... ye kak... nama adik
siapa? ... Mia
Adik tahu nyanyi tak?... Tahu... Ah
mari ikut kakak nyanyi sama-sama...

Tolak tambah kali ganda hitung kira
skala nisbah
Maju mundur tinggi rendah berapa
jumlah nilai bangsa

(Kak sekupang ke, dua kupang ke,
tiga kupang?)

Sawah sebendang
ladang sebidang
tanah sekangkang
pohon sebatang
Kerana wang semua
hilang hanya sehelai sepinggang
Yang jenin yang lebai
yang pandir yang luncai
Yang angannya tinggi
yang dibuai mimpi
yang sawah terjual maruah tergadai

Monday, May 30, 2005

Cahayamata pertama, lahir 05 05 05

Muhammad Syafi bin Abdul Rahimi

Muhammad Syafi bin Abdul Rahimi

Monday, April 11, 2005

Full version

Hari Ini Tiada Senda Dalam Bicara
Deru Air Mata Merupakan Segalanya
Sang Hati Bicara Sendiri
Bangunkan Ummah Bina Generasi

Di Bumi Yang Bertuah Ini
Diriku Mula Mengenali
Matlamat Hidup Sebagai ‘abdi
Kepada Allah, Allahu Rabbi

Diriku Kini Sebebas Unggas
Terbang Riang Di Angkasa Raya
Menyanyi Merdu Irama Kalbu
Indahnya, Indahnya, Oh Indahnya

Wahai Generasi Dengarlah Pesanan Ini
Bumi Ini Bumi Bertuah
Suburnya Sesubur Tanaman Di Lembah
Melahirkan Insan Berjiwa Tabah

Kutiplah Mutiara, Mutiara Indah
Untuk Bekalan Hari Berpindah
Sebelum Jejak Kaki Melangkah
Sebelum Penyesalan Membawa Padah

Sahabat Seperjuangan
Usah Digentar Musuh Di Hadapan
Pandanglah Di Depan Balasan Tuhan
Syurga Firdaus Menanti Kalian

Teruskan, Oh Teruskan
Perjuangan Menegak Kebenaran
Di Dalam Kebungkaman Akhir Zaman
Selagi Hayat Di Kandung Badan

Wahai Teman Seperjuangan
Dengarlah Harapanku Ini
Pohon Untuuk Dalam Doamu
Diriku Pejuang Islam Yang Satu

Diriku Pejuang Islam Yang Satu

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

To my wife, i love you so much :)

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Friday, March 04, 2005

patent, amerika, india, iraq, beras dan benih........ dan kemanusiaan

negara pengganas amerika pada masa ini adalah juara dalam bidang hak cipta intelek walaupun sedang di kejar hebat oleh korea, jepun dan eropah. kehebatan teknologinya membolehkan negara pengganas ini mempatentkan hampir semua perkara tanpa mengira siapakah yang sebenarnya berhak ke atasnya.

india, terkenal dengan ketamadunan and budaya yang unik dengan sejarah menjangkau ribuan tahun. budaya, adat resam, makanan, upacara keagamaan, binaan bangunan dan bermacam lagi perkara yang kita boleh kaji lihat dengar daripada negara ini tidak terkecuali beras basmati. beras ini ditanam di india sejak ribuan tahun dahulu dan sejak tahun 90'an telah di export ke serata dunia, tidak terkecuali ke negara pengganas amerika. akan tetapi, beras yang terkenal ini tidak pernah dikaji untuk dipatentkan oleh mana-mana pihak kerana di anggap sebagai warisan india yang tidak ternilai. disinilah negara pengganas amerika menggunakan kuasanya mengiktiraf sebuah syarikat di negara itu yang mempatent beras sebagai hak intelek mereka. bantahan keras disuarakan oleh kerajaan india dengan menghantar 16000 muka surat kajian saintifik menyatakan beras ini adalah hak mereka. sehingga kini tidak dapat di pastikan keputusannya.

iraq, negara malang di tengah-tengah dunia arab. mempunyai negara-negara jiran yang berpegang pada ad-deen yang sama, tetapi terlalu bangsat untuk menyanggah ketuanan pengganas amerika yang menyerangnya. walaupun masih dalam suasana perang, pengganas amerika telah memulakan langkah memperhambakan rakyat iraq. sekali lagi patent memainkan peranan yang cukup penting. iraq sepertimana juga india, mempunyai sejarah dan ketamadunan yang panjang sejak dari zaman babylon sehingga kepada keagungan baghdad. sepanjang zaman tersebut, rakyat iraq telah menjadikan gandum sebagai makanan ruji. pertanian yang selama beribu tahun ini telah berjaya menghasilkan biji benih yang unik yang ditanam hanya oleh rakyat iraq. akan tetapi, negara pengganas ini tidak mempatentkan biji benih ini, apa yang mereka buat?

perang telah memusnahkan sebahagian besar ladang gandum rakyat negara malang ini. kini sebahagian besar mereka hidup dengan hanya bergantung kepada gandum subsidi daripada negara pengganas amerika. kini, petani-petani rakyat iraq ini, sebahagian daripada mereka telah hendak memulakan kembali penanaman gandum. akibat tiada benih, meraka terpaksa membeli daripada negara pengganas amerika. disinilah perangkap yang dipasang oleh negara pengganas amerika telah mengena kerana benih-benih dari amerika ini telah dipatentkan. akibatnya, petani-petani di negara iraq tidak dibenarkan untuk menghasilkan benih mereka sendiri, tetapi hendaklah membeli daripada syarikat negara pengganas amerika. sesiapa yang menghasilkan benih sendiri akan dikenakan tindakan undang-undang. ini bermakna, setiap kali selepas musim menuai, amalan beribu tahun menghasilkan biji benih sendiri akan lenyap. maka rakyat iraq pasti akan terus menerus bergantung kepada negara pengganas amerika untuk sumber makanan mereka. satu tindakan yang cukup licik daripada sebuah negara yang kononnya memperjuangkan keadilan sejagat. " alah, nanti rakyat iraq mampu laa buat sendiri biji benih. sapa suruh dulu-dulu tak patentkan, salah kau jugak " kata-kata nista yang mungkin keluar daripada mulut celupar pengganas amerika.

inilah cara mudah untuk menguasai sesebuah negara untuk jangkamasa panjang. jika dengan menakluk, negara tersebut boleh merdeka seperti filipina. jika meletakkan proksi, proksi boleh ditumbangkan sepertimana di iran. tetapi, dengan menguasai sumber makanan secara mutlak, satu jangkamasa yang cukup panjang di perlukan oleh negara malang tersebut untuk bangun, kerana sebarang tindakannya kearah pembangunan akan dihalang dengan ugutan makanan. contoh? jangan cakap sahaja. sudan, negara yang pada satu ketika cukup terkenal dengan kebuluran. ini adalah kerana sumber makanan negara tersebut dikuasai oleh negara pengganas ini. bilamana pemimpin negara ini mengubah dasar tidak memihak kepada negara pengganas amerika, pertaniannya lumpuh menyebabkan kebuluran yang maha hebat dalam sejarah dunia moden hari ini. kini, negara tersebut telah berjaya membangunkan sendiri biji benih dan telah mampu menanam sendiri gandum mereka, malah mengeksportnya ke negara lain.

adakah negara pengganas amerika hendak pisang berbuah dua kali, sudah pasti tidak. tunggulah apa yang akan terjadi kepada negara iraq nanti.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

M'sia has worst income disparity in SEA, gov't flayed

Feb 2, 05 5:42pm

Malaysia has the distinction of being the country with the worst income
disparity in Southeast Asia, according to a United Nations report.

The latest United Nations Human Development Report 2004 shows the richest 10
percent in Malaysia earning 22 times more than the poorest 10 percent,
resulting in the country having one of the worst income disparity in Asia.

According to the report, the richest 10 percent in Malaysia controls 38.4
percent of the country's economic income as compared to the poorest 10
percent controlling 1.7 percent.

Economic income is generally defined as the income derived by an individual
or family, and it includes gross wages as well as any appreciation or
depreciation of one's net assets.

Malaysia's top 10 percent of the population is 22.1 times richer than the
poorest 10 percent. The country's income gap is higher than Singapore (17.7
times), the Philippines (16.5), Thailand (13.4), Vietnam (8.4) and Indonesia

The gap between rich and poor

Country..............Poorest 10%..............Richest 10%...............Disparity Ratio


Source: UN

moga allah menyelamatkan malaysia... ammin....